This is hard to type as we're soooooo excited. Our keynote speaker this year is going to be EMMA JANE WESTBY!!!
Emma is going to talk about:
If you are getting started with Drupal and feeling a bit over-whelmed by all the different ways you can do things, then this session is for you.
Here, Fearghal O'Kane from BT48 will discuss the modules he uses to most effect when building Drupal websites.
Drupal is a great content management framework for building an online media publishing platform. And usually it just requires another contributed module to add extra functionality.
I have worked with Drupal, wearing many hats since 2007. That equates to the entirety of my professional career since finishing college.
This is a brief talk from our sponsors and venue providers The Guinnesss Enterprise Centre to introduce the great work that they do.
Last year the FAI embarked on a journey to create a new online experience for Irish football fans.
User Experience Design is a balancing act between user requirements, business needs and technical constraints. Why then, do so many companies only involve their developers in the final stage of their projects?
You got the project live. It was on time. It was under budget. You did the post-launch dance. Then ...
... it's time to move to the support contract, because that great client wants some more great features (and that thing you thought was working, no longer is).
You know the way you design a beautiful website, but the back end edit page is long, and ugly, and hard to follow, and ....
Well, let's fix this mess so that website users and content editors both have a lovely experience.